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>>>   2002 January NEWS



Approximately 200 nautical miles NE of Tahiti lies the Tuamotu, a country of lonely atolls and majestic reef passes etched out amongst the Polynesian seascape, mostly discovered by the Quiksilver Crossing in 1999. Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, The Tuamotu comprise a vast area of 78 islands surrounded by coral atolls where there is booming surf in many of the passes with a plethora of both N-facing and S-facing reef passes, the Tuamotu offer year-round surf potential. 
However, November to April has the most varied options on the available surf spots. This is due to the north swells hitting many of the north facing passes. South swells still move up from the Southern Hemisphere generating waves on the south facing spots this time of year. With these two swell directions chances are greater of scoring great waves. May to October, the south swells only hit the exposed south passes which can still offer quality surf that can have size. The windy season is from July to September, the winds are from the South East
The Tuamotu promise absolutely NO CROWDS as well as the thrill of discovering new surfing spots. Due to the issues of logistics and distance (hundreds of nautical miles of open ocean to traverse), the total lack of infrastructure in the Tuamotu themselves, there is a necessity to operate under strict permits within guidelines established by French Maritime Law.

There are 2 boats which will be cruising these waters.
* - 13 days/nights onboard 
* - Use of all onboard equipment: boats, watercraft, fishing and snorkeling gear, spearfishing equipment, kite surfer, kayaks. 
* - 3 First Class meals per day 
* - Free beer from pressurized keg in the bar 
* - All transfers to and from airport 
*Roundtrip flights from LAX or SFO available for $795 (low season), $895 (high season)- includes airline taxes and free surfboard travel for up to 4 boards. 

Polynesian operator Archipels owns 5 deluxe Catamaran and one of them has been already dealing with " Surf Cruises " in the Tuamotu since 1998. However, in 2001, there hasn't been any due to technical problems. The guide Woody Howard a 42 year old Americain and well known Sculptor / Horticulturest from Hawaii settled in Moorea in 1982. Woody has 25 years of surfing experience. His unique surf experience in the Tuamotu area combined with local knowledge of nature and life of the people will make your adventure in the area complet. In addition to surf forays the guide will lead trips on the islands or " Motus " for exploring. Snorkeling is beautiful all over the Tuamotu. The abundance of fish is a habit in the atolls.
Cabins are sold individually up to 8 people max. 

Contact Archipels or Woody (woodyho@mail.pf
Web : www.archipels.com/surf.htm




" The Forgotten Island of Santosha " movie was probably to the 70's what Endless Summer did in the 60's : a masterpiece of Surftravel documentary. During the austral winter of 1972, Bill and Larry Yates filmed what are still probably the best conditions in Tamarin ever shot. When the movie was released in 1974, it launched thousands of surfers away from home trying to find their own Santosha. The aesthetic poses of Joey Cabell surfing backside without leash these long perfect waves inspired lost of surfers in the 70's. Plus, the billboard sign, designed by Bill Ogden, has been one of the most beautiful patchwork. Tamarin wave has been surfed first in August by De Rosnay brothers, it was first shown in Surfer Mag in 1974. Then, in 1971, you could see Wayne Lynch ripping small walls in " Sea of Joy " but nothing as perfect as the Santosha rides. Since then, Mauritius epic wave has lost some aura because of inconsistency and some tough localism performed by the White Shorts.
Unavailable for years, the film has been digitalized and recolorized and products can be purchased out of the film.

WEB : www.santoshathemovie.com



I am sure you've heard of wannasurf...This is an awesome database of surfspots around the world with plenty of surf infos. However, it lacks stories. This is why Yann, one the guy at wannasurf, launched Surf Odyssey, aimed at helping surfers out to tell surf stories. Right now, you can view good reports about Angola, localism at Mundaka and Northen Peru. By the way, if you're interested to buy a hotel in front of a long left pointbreak, be aware that " Caballitos de Totora " on Huanchaco beach is for sale. 

WEB : www.surfodyssey.com



This is the ultimate decision tool every surftraveler has dreamed of. Worldsurfaris in Australia has designed it. Input your wish list, budget, time of travel, surfing ability and presto you will presented with the appropriate travel options to suit you. This is very time efficient if you are in a hurry and don't want to check out every page and price. Criterias : surfari type, months, length of stay, surf experience, budget, number of people, type of traveller. It's a little slow but it definitely helps to know which options you need to look at carefully.

WEB : www.worldsurfaris.com



Remember about surftreks ? We already told you about that travel agency in San Francisco dealing super good rates for custom around the world tours. As an example, look at what Dan, Walker and Behr have done with their surftrip of a lifetime. This is probably the best online journal ever made since. Follow their itinerary going from Santa Cruz to Chile going through Tahiti, Cook Islands, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Mauritius, South Africa, Brazil and Argentina. Their trip will end in Sepetember 2002. It's well documented with maps, expenses, testimonies from each surfer, great photos. We're looking forward for more videos...And as they say, "For a surfing backpacker, Lonely Planet is the source"


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